FCC Coronavirus Response

Thursday, June 18, 2020

When we began this difficult journey more than three months ago, my focus

has been the health and safety of our membership, the staff, and my family.

Every decision I have made has been with your best interests at heart. While

we may not always agree, please know that my goal has always been to keep

you safe. I'm proud of the concerted effort the Board and Management has

made to flatten the curve and the role we have played in lobbying for your

safety, even when it has not always been met with universal support.

Earlier this week I started experiencing sinus issues so I did a Telehealth

appointment to seek the prospective of a physician. I was prescribed an

antibiotic thinking I had a sinus infection. Since being on the medication I have

felt great improvement; however, yesterday I lost my sense of taste. I

attempted to obtain a Coronavirus test but was told they had reached capacity

for the day and returned today for a rapid test. Sadly, I have tested positive for


Needless to say, I did not see this coming. I never had any form of a

temperature before or even now. I have been vigilant at home wearing masks,

ordering my groceries through contactless delivery methods, and using take-

out as opposed to dine in with my family. I have been following all

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