FCC Coronavirus Response

Thursday, April 30, 2020


Yesterday, our Governor released a new Executive Order outlining his plans to

re-open the state in phases. His decisions throughout this pandemic have

taken into account our unique circumstances in Florida, instead of a cookie-

cutter approach based on what other Governor's have done. This new order

was implemented only after a review of critical benchmark's in our state's

ability to flatten the curve. These decisions are not easy, as lives and the

livelihood of many hang in the balance.

Here at Fiddlesticks, we have paved our own way from the start of this

pandemic, using a common-sense approach based on available state and

federal data. On March 15th, with only 27 cases in the state of Florida, we took

the proactive measure to close our Clubhouse and cancel large scale events.

We were ahead of the curve to keep our Members safe and to create a sense

of security for our staff. Other clubs were not ready to take that leap, but for the

sake of our members and team we went there quickly and decisively.

If I am being honest with you, I knew this day would come and we have put a

great deal of thought into what would happen when we got here; when our

state would lift a restriction that we are not yet comfortable lifting inside our

gates. We have come this far to create a bubble of safety, and it has worked.

We do not want our members to be test subjects in a "wait and see" plan of re-

opening Florida. Let's stay the course with operations as they are now and

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