FCC Coronavirus Response

Inside the Gates Scholarship Fund! It has named it’s 2020 recipients with an

announcement below. Even through this difficult time, our community stepped

up and met the needs of these four students.

A message from Cathy Corwen:

"It is with great pleasure we announce the 2020 Building Futures Scholarship

recipients: Tricht Jocelyn, Mabeille Jocelyn, Amy Bento, and Edward

Pedraja. Each of these well deserving recipients will receive a $3,000

scholarship for their college or vocational school for 2020-21.

On behalf of the recipients and the Building Futures Committee I thank you,

our generous Fiddlesticks Community, for making this possible. In these

unusual and stressful times these scholarships are truly needed and greatly

appreciated. In future Piper articles you will learn more about the recipients,

their hopes, dreams and achievements."

Finally, our community parade was held this past Saturday. I don’t think any of

us could ever have imagined how many folks would have been out in their

driveways with signs, kilts, drinks, and smiles to cheer on our team and hear

the sounds of the bagpipes. Quite simply, we needed that. Our team needed to

see your smiling faces just as much as you needed to see ours and together,

our spirits were lifted. The sun may have set a little more quickly than we

anticipated, but the light in our eyes and the joy in all of our hearts could not be

dimmed. If ever there was a question about the solidarity of our membership

and the pride that is felt for this club, all you needed to do was see the

Fiddlesticks Strong letters on one front lawn, the homemade signs of thanks

along the route or the genuine “I miss you” being yelled back and forth

between members and staff. This too shall pass, and when it does our

community will shine brighter than ever.

To relive some moments from the parade click here or click here .

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