FCC Coronavirus Response
Each of us has an important role in getting through this time. Our ability to
push through is dependent on the ability of everyone to have patience and be
flexible. We can't let up on our social distancing, since studies are showing it is
working. Stay six feet from everyone and assume they have the virus. Limit
your trips outside the gates, except for essential activities. Adhere to the tennis
and golf restrictions and know that these are temporary measures to ensure
we create the safest environment possible. We simply can't eliminate every
opportunity for our members to contract the virus, the rest is up to you. Thank
you for all you're doing to take us to the finish line.
We are more united than ever and protective of this community. This might not
be the spring holiday season we envisioned, but we made the best of it. We
shared smiles and laughter and food. Keep your commitment to your
Fiddlesticks neighbors by staying safe. When the time is right, we will celebrate
together in grand style all those events we missed while we have been apart.
It's going to be quite the party!
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