FCC Coronavirus Response

Monday, April 13, 2020


Many of us are reliving the "holidaze" of the past, where a candy coma and big

family meal paved the way for wonderful memories and traditions. This has

been an usual holiday season and our Easter and Passover were filled with

many new experiences. Sometimes the sheer thought of knowing it is going to

be vastly different takes us out of our comfort zone and causes us to freeze up,

stuck in that moment of fear when we just don't want to try something new.

Thankfully, I have received many messages and saw with my very own eyes

how our community stepped through that fear and made this year's Spring

holiday season as good as it could be.

Yesterday, our Food and Beverage team served up well over 200 meals.

Whether they delivered it to your doorstep or you pulled up and saw their

smiling faces, please know we were so happy to share a meal with you. Our

Happiness department, along with the Easter egg hunt master, set out on a

quest to bring Easter to the little ones in the community. We had contactless

delivery for baskets to more than 20 homes and prepared them with extra

precautions, and LOTS of love. Debbie Burnside held her Easter Sunday

service via Zoom to a large group of members and Seder was shared with

many via Zoom in the gates. We know our holidays will look different next year

and all of our creature comforts will return. These reminders of normalcy gave

us all hope that this will be over soon and we have the strength to persevere.

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