FCC Coronavirus Response
continue servicing our members as long as we possibly can, barring an order
from state or federal officials. The employee morale is dependent on providing
these services too since we are able to provide limited hours to them when
operations continue. If transmissions take place because of careless behavior
it will have a domino effect including risking the health of others, possible loss
of amenity usage and a further financial strain on our staff. Please do your part
so that your neighbors stay healthy and so that we can look back at this time
with a deep sense of pride for how we worked together as a family to protect
each other. It is a sacrifice, but one worth making.
One area of great concern is the health of those with significant medical issues
that relied on personal training. We have been able to continue individual
sessions in tennis and golf, but took extra time to ensure we could safely do
the same in fitness. On Monday, our trainers will resume one on one sessions
with members outdoors and while keeping a safe distance from the member.
Per the executive order of Governor Ron DeSantis on Friday, all fitness
centers remain closed. Please call the tennis shop to schedule a private
session by calling 239-768-6439 Monday through Friday or reach out to the
trainers directly if you are already a client.
Starting today, we will have small children’s activity packs available for
curbside pick-up. We know it isn’t easy with children and grandchildren going
stir crazy so perhaps this small distraction will help ease the stress of this time.
Packs are geared towards elementary age children and include coloring
sheets, crayons and a few surprises. Our team used extra precautions in
individually sealing these so we could keep your little ones safe, but we
encourage additional sanitation procedures at home as you see fit. Please call
239-768-1111 and let us know how many complimentary packs you will need
and we will leave them outside the Clubhouse for you to pick up.
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