BNFCF Board Meeting November 13, 2017
Bobby Nichols Fiddlesticks Charity Foundation Board of Directors Meeting October 30, 2017
Board of Directors Present: Dick Bean, Kevin Brogan, Nancy Clair, Heidi Frederic, Mike Lancellot, Austin Lydon, Bobby Nichols, Barbara Skillman, Robb Smith, and Katherine Van der Mey and Gerry Wolken. Absent: Debbie Burnside, Craig Nichols and Heidi Frederic.
President, Mike Lancellot called the Meeting to order and welcomed
our new Director, Austin Lydon.
Invocation by Mike Lancellot
The minutes for the October16,2017 were submitted and Nancy noted a date correction when we reviewed the Pros and Cons of the 15 th Event. With that correction made Robb Smith moved the minutes be approved seconded by Dick Bean. Motion carried.
Bobby Nichols-Fiddlesticks Foundation, Inc. Conflict of Interest Policy. Annual Certification was passed out and signed by the Directors.
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