BNFCF Board Meeting January 30, 2017
Bobby Nichols Fiddlesticks Charity Foundation Board of Directors Meeting January 16, 2017
Board of Directors Present: Dick Bean, Debbie Burnside, Nancy Clair, Andi Horowitz, Mike Lancellot, Bobby Nichols, Craig Nichols, Russ Ogan, Barbara Skillman, Robb Smith, Katherine Van der Mey, and Harry Wilkinson Gerry Wolken. Absent: Craig Nichols.
President, Mike Lancellot called the Meeting to order. Invocation by Debbie Burnside.
The minutes for the January 2,2017 were submitted. Dick Bean moved the minutes be approved seconded by Harry Wilkinson. Motion carried.
Financial Report: Dick Bean Total Liabilities and Equity $679,840.38 ($80,000.00 over 2016) Sponsors $522,000.00 plus $15,000.00 yet to come in from UPS. Piper Dues $58,250.00 Golf Entry Fees $87,000.00
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