AgendaBNFCF Board Meeting October 222018
2018 Nichols Cup
Auction Preview
Wine Pull
Logistics of wine pull monies Could have used more wine
- - - -
Fun, well received Signage, placement
Too many auction items caused confusion Too many people in charge of silent auction
Wrapping of bottles
Sat & Sun items out together
New members learned about us
- Caused confusion
Kicks the weekend off in a positive way Auction item info received in advance
- Added time needed for Sat setup
“Why can’t I start to bid on Sat items?”
Nichols Cup Neighborhood Celebration
Sarah & the National Anthem
Long buffet lines
25 children with flags
Carving station slowed the food line
The video prior to the children’s entrance
Long dessert station line Storage of auction items
Energy in the room
Chairs all the same type
Misplacement of auction item box/info
Dancing commenced by 9:15 PM
No auction/sponsor comm. list in program
Mike’s energy & enthusiasm
Cost of band vs. a DJ?
Flow & pace
Confusion on member charge when guest wants to pay. Maybe charge Gesture account
Jeff Diggs recognizing tennis winners
Pictures of the tennis winners on the screen
People told no for a table of 12
Emailing a preview of auction items
Seating chart challenges Lights were on for video
Tito’s bar & ice sculpture
Special needs results
Did not call people by table # for buffet Sunday auction items out on display Premier Section needed better display Too many silent auction items Silent auction aisles too narrow Silent auction items not set up by category No advance design plan Bidders did not know more info was avail if they scrolled down on their phone
On time
Location of raffle
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