9-Hole Golf Events Book 2020-2021

Article I – Name

The name of the organization shall be known as the Fiddlesticks Ladies ’ Golf Association Nine Holers (FLGA 9 - Holers)

Article II – Purpose

The objectives of this association shall be to create and maintain an interest in golf and its activities sponsored by the Ladies ’ Golf Association 9 - Holers and to organize weekly golf tournaments and other FLGA 9 - Holers activities for the benefit of all members.

Article III – Membership

FLGA 9 Hole membership is comprised of Fiddlesticks equity, associate, charter, annual and renter golf members who remain in good standing by paying FLGA 9 - Holer dues as set yearly by the FLGA 9 - Holer Executive Committee, club dues and any and all assessments imposed by the Fiddlesticks Board of Directors.

Article IV – Handicaps

New members shall establish a Fiddlesticks Club handicap by posting not less than five (5) adjusted and current eighteen (18) hole scores or ten (10) adjusted and current nine (9) hole scores. New members may play on ladies ’ day but may not compete for prizes until a handicap has been established, unless they possess a U.S.G.A. verified handicap index from another club or association.

Article V – Officers

The officers of the Fiddlesticks Ladies ’ Golf Association 9 - Holers shall be President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. The elected officers shall appoint additional chairwomen or solicit volunteers from its members to fill the duties of other functions deemed necessary for the efficiency of the association.

Article VI – Executive Committee

The executive committee, referred to as the FLGA 9 - Holer Board, shall consist of the elected officers. The current Past President shall be an ex - officer member. Duties of the executive committee are to formulate and determine operating policies.


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