Welcome Home



4. Tee time reservations are taken daily. The golf shop receives calls beginning at 7:00 a.m. on weekdays and 7:00 a.m. on weekends. Reservations (and on-line reservations) will be given up to seven (7) days in advance and to Lessees five (5) days in advance. The golf shop should be notified as early as possible regarding reservations which members are not going to use so that requests from other players may be filled. 5. Sign-up sheets for events will be posted in the Golf Shop forty-five (45) days in advance except for those events where invitations are mailed to all members and are published in the “Piper” further in advance (Member-Guests, Fall Frolic, and The Fiddlesticks Scramble Invitational). Cancellation fees may be charged to cover incurred costs in the event of late cancellations. 6. Lessees are permitted to enter all events that are social in nature and may participate in Member Guests and the Fall Frolic as guests of an Equity member. They are not eligible to enter events such as the Member-Member. Entries are accepted on a first in, last out basis and are subject to being placed on the alternate list if the field is full and an Equity member enters prior to entry deadline. Members who wish to enter after the entry deadline are placed at the head of the alternate lists and lessees in the field remain in the event. 7. Tee times are scheduled at 8 or 9-minute intervals to assist in effective course management. Players should arrive at the tee between five (5) and ten (10) minutes ahead of their assigned time in order to keep the schedule moving yet not disturb the group ahead.

8. When playing unscheduled rounds during slow periods, players must sign in at the Golf Shop before teeing off so their presence is known and playing statistics may be maintained.

9. Fivesomes are allowed with the provision they follow our pace of play guidelines and play at four (4) hours or less. If not, the group will be split into a threesome and twosome.

10.Proper attire is required on the golf course and on the practice areas at all times. It is the responsibility of each member to ensure that his/her guests are aware of and comply with the dress code. Those not in compliance will be advised by the golf operations staff. If that advice is disregarded, the Club reserves the right to refuse playing privileges. The Board of Directors will address repetitive infractions. (See Dress Code section above for appropriate golf attire.)

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