New Buyer - Rev. October 2019
Non-Resident Membership A Non-Resident membership is for a person who does not own either a Living Unit or a Lot but becomes a member based on terms and conditions established by the Board of Directors from time to time for this specific category of membership. The total number of such memberships shall not exceed twenty- five (25). In addition: a) A Non-Resident membership must be approved by the Board of Directors with payment of an administrative fee established by the Board. b) The Non-Resident membership requires a non-refundable initiation fee, to be paid up-front, as established by the Board of Directors. The formula for applying the initiation fee or a part thereof, in order to provide an incentive to purchase a Living Unit or Lot, will also be determined by the Board of Directors. c) A Non-Resident member is responsible for the payment of annual dues and capital fees, and a full food and beverage minimum. The Non- Resident member will not be responsible for payment of assessments. d) The Non-Resident member will be entitled to the same Club privileges and use of the facilities as a Resident Equity member, but may not vote, serve on the Board of Directors or a committee or hold any Club office. e) The Club shall also have the right to suspend and/or terminate all rights and privileges of any Non-Resident member for non-payment of fees, dues, food and beverage minimum, or charges and fines, or for any unacceptable conduct described in the Club’s Governing Documents as defined in sections H, I and J of the By-laws of Fiddlesticks Country Club. Immediate Family Immediate Family members are guests that fall under the vertical family tree, including Father, Mother, Grandfather, Grandmother, Grandchildren, Son, Daughter, and In-laws with the same designation. Dependent Children Members who have Children above the age of 25 and/or Parents who are “dependents” (as defined by the IRS) and reside with the member may make application to the Board for these dependents to be entitled to Club privileges as provided by the member’s classification until such time as their status no longer exists or the member relinquishes the membership.
B) Member Definitions
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