FCC Coronavirus Response
Tuesday, June 30, 2020
At this time, we are all concerned about the increase in Coronavirus cases in
Florida. While this is not what any of us had hoped for, it is not unexpected.
This is an easily spreadable virus and one that we don't know much about. I
have learned first-hand that information on the virus, testing, contact tracing,
and precautionary measures is wide-ranging. There are many schools of
thought and conflicting information is commonplace. As we have mentioned
before, keeping up to date and making the best decisions for your family is a
good place to start in terms of navigating through this difficult time.
With counts increasing as they have, it was inevitable that our community
would be affected by the virus. Sam and I are feeling better each and every
day. We have both been re-tested and are awaiting our results. Due to the
recent increase in testing, results are delayed. Sadly, we have seen two
employees in golf course maintenance test positive. Since the employees in
that department are separated into groups and take different lunches, we were
able to mitigate the exposure to other employees. Several employees were
tested and all results were negative.
The Board of Directors and Management made a commitment at the start of
this pandemic to review facts and make informed decisions. At times, this has
enabled us to move forward and may require us to make adjustments to
policies based on new information. In the past few weeks, we have witnessed
a staggering increase in cases and our state and local government has made
adjustments accordingly. Bars have been closed indefinitely, but this does not
affect the FCC Cabana. In order for a facility to be closed, more than 50% of
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