BNFCF Board Meeting January 30, 2017
Scholarship Agreement
The following sets forth an agreement between Florida SouthWestern State College (hereinafter “FSW Foundation”) located at: 8099 College Parkway Fort Myers, Florida 33919 and the Bobby Nichols Fiddlesticks Charity Foundation (hereinafter “BNFCF”, Located at: 15391 Canongate Drive Fort Myers, Florida 33912.
The BNFCF will make a minimum contribution to establish an endowed fund within the FSW Foundation, to be known as, the Earl Holland Memorial Scholarship Fund. The permanently restricted Earl Holland Memorial Scholarship Fund scholarship awards will be funded according to the annual Spending Policy adopted by the FSW Foundation Board of Directors. Although subject to change, the formula used since 2008 calls for 4% of the three year rolling average of the funds value at the end of the fiscal year (March 31 st ) to be used to fund the scholarship(s) awarded.
The Earl Holland Memorial Scholarship Fund shall be open to all applicants regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, citizenship, disability, age, or veteran status in accordance with college policies.
The FSW Office of Student Affairs shall identify and award the Earl Holland Memorial Scholarship, subject to the following eligibility restrictions:
1. All FSW scholarship recipient(s) must submit the following to be eligible: Application for Admission, Official High School Transcript(s), Florida Residency Affidavit, Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), and an FSW Online Scholarship Application.
2. The applicant must be a US citizen or meet the requirements of an eligible non-citizen as defined by the Federal Financial Aid Program.
3. The applicant must have obtained an unweighted 2.0 or higher High School Grade Point Average. (GPA); or a college/university GPA of 2.5 or higher.
4. The applicant must enroll in a minimum of twelve credit hours per semester
5. The applicant must provide one letter of recommendation from any of the following organizations.
a. Liberty Youth Ranch, Bonita Springs, FL b. ACT, Abuse Counseling and Treatment, Fort Myers, FL c. Children Advocacy Center, Fort Myers, FL
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