BNFCF Board Meeting February 5 2018
Bobby Nichols-Fiddlesticks Foundation Piper Members - 2018
43 Case
Thomas and Lynda Robert and Louise Joseph and Francine Phillip and Nancy Lacey
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44 Cecchini
45 Ciampaglio Jr.
46 Cieslik 47 Clapp
Joseph and Helen Roger and Cathy
48 Cliff
49 Coffey
William and Mary Ellen
50 Cole
Leland and Mary
51 Conway 52 Cooke 53 Corwen 54 Costello 55 Courtney
Francis and Carol Ann
Dan and Janey
Albert and Catherine Jack and Paula John and Carol Lee and Linda Robert and Diane Mark and Cheri Robert and Marcia Richard and Judi Fenton and Marilyn
56 Crowther Sr.
57 Curry
58 Daleiden 59 D'Andrea
60 Davis
61 Davison
62 Dealy
Edwin and Lynn Larry and Dale
63 Den
64 DiBenedetto Thomas and Linda
65 DiSanto 66 Dobbie 67 Donahoe 68 Dooley 69 Downing 70 Dunphy 71 Dwyer 72 Dwyer 73 Dwyer 74 Eaton 75 Ehinger 76 Everly 77 Fairchild 79 Fitzgerald 80 Fraccola 81 Garrett 82 Gillette 83 Gilmore 84 Girard 78 Fike
Alec and Loli
Dennis and Kathleen Keith and Diana James and Mary William and Karen Roger and Barbara Chris and Rachel James and Cindy Wendell and Elizabeth Ronald and Mona William and Anita William and Sandra Michael and Betsey Philip and Kelley Marvin and Sonia Nancy Rolland and Carol
250.00 2016 Members, not 2017
Carl and Carol Kevin and Linda David and Susan Dale and Chris
85 Glenn
250.00 NEW
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