NOVEMBER 14, 2016
Board of Directors Present: Dick Bean, Debbie Burnside, Nancy Clair, Mike Lancellot, Russ Ogan,
Barbara Skillman, Robb Smith, Craig Nichols, Katherine Van Der Mey, Gerry Wolken, Harry
Wilkinson. Absent was Andi Horowitz.
President Lancellot called the meeting to order. Invocation by Debbie Burnside.
The minutes for the October 31, 2016 minutes were submitted for approval. Upon motion
made and duly seconded, the minutes as presented were unanimously approved.
The Consent Form for Conflict of Interest was circulated to Directors who were absent at last
Dick led a conversation about recent meeting of the Finance Committee with Pat Heath.
Discussed were the possibility of commissioning an annual financial audit of the Foundation. It
was decided that further research on this subject was necessary. Mr. Smith said he would seek
the opinion of Attorney Bill Horowitz.
Also discussed was the preparation and delivery of letters of gratitude and acknowledgement
to our Sponsors. A form letter for this purpose was presented.. Tom Callans, finance committee
member, agreed to assume this responsibility. Mr. Callans also agreed to assume the
responsibility of receiving and accounting for all payments from all sources coming into the